According to the 2023 World Air Quality Report, what is Pakistan’s ranking in terms of air pollution globally?

3 min readMar 25, 2024

A) First B) Second C) Third D) Fourth Pakistan ranks as the second most polluted country globally in the 2023 World Air Quality Report. The average PM2.5 concentrations in Pakistan are 14 times higher than the WHO guideline of 5 µg/m³. Air pollution in Pakistan is primarily caused by agricultural practices, industrial emissions, vehicular pollution, and climatic conditions. Despite efforts such as banning crop burning and promoting public transportation, air quality continues to deteriorate. Hazardous air quality is estimated to reduce life expectancy by 4.4 years for Pakistan’s inhabitants.

Pakistan’s air quality ranking based on the 2023 World Air Quality Report.


Correct! Pakistan has been named the second most polluted country in the world in the 2023 World Air Quality Report.

Insights into Pakistan’s Air Pollution Crisis:

Pakistan’s ranking as the second most polluted country highlights the severity of its air pollution crisis. The average PM2.5 concentrations in Pakistan are significantly higher than the World Health Organisation’s guideline, posing serious health risks to the population.

Pakistan’s Ranking in the 2023 World Air Quality Report

In the realm of global environmental challenges, air pollution stands as a pressing concern affecting nations worldwide. The 2023 World Air Quality Report, published by IQAir, has shed light on Pakistan’s alarming ranking in terms of air pollution. According to the report, Pakistan has been identified as the second most polluted country globally, trailing only behind Bangladesh. The report unveils startling statistics, indicating that Pakistan’s average PM2.5 concentrations are alarmingly high at 73.7 micrograms per cubic meter (µg/m³). This figure is a staggering 14 times higher than the World Health Organisation’s guideline of no more than 5 µg/m³. PM2.5, or particulate matter 2.5, refers to tiny particles or droplets in the air that are two and a half microns or less in width. These minuscule particles pose severe health risks as they can penetrate deep into the lungs and even enter the bloodstream, leading to respiratory infections, heart disease, strokes, and other health complications. The causes of Pakistan’s severe air pollution are multifaceted, encompassing various factors such as agricultural practices, industrial emissions, vehicular pollution, and geographical and climatic conditions. Particularly during winter, temperature inversions in Punjab, coupled with emissions from crop burning, industrial activities, and brick kilns, exacerbate the smoggy conditions, creating a hazardous environment detrimental to public health. Despite efforts to address air pollution, such as banning crop burning and initiating public transportation projects, the air quality continues to deteriorate, signaling the inadequacy of current measures. The gravity of the situation is underscored by data from the Pakistan Air Quality Initiative, estimating that hazardous air quality is reducing the life expectancy of Pakistan’s inhabitants by an alarming 4.4 years. In light of these alarming findings, urgent action is imperative. The new government must prioritize environmental conservation and public health by implementing bold measures to combat air pollution. This includes overhauling environmental regulations, investing aggressively in renewable energy sources, and promoting public transportation infrastructure. Moreover, stringent enforcement of regulations and enhanced monitoring of air quality are essential to ensure compliance and track progress effectively. Public awareness campaigns play a pivotal role in educating citizens about the sources of pollution and fostering behavioral changes to mitigate personal contributions to air quality degradation. Additionally, collaboration with neighboring countries is crucial, given the transboundary nature of air pollution and its far-reaching impacts. In conclusion, Pakistan’s ranking as the second most polluted country in the 2023 World Air Quality Report underscores the urgent need for comprehensive and concerted efforts to address air pollution. By prioritizing environmental sustainability and public health, Pakistan can pave the way towards cleaner air and a healthier future for its citizens.



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