International Organisations and Headquarters

3 min readMay 13, 2024

International organisations play a crucial role in addressing global challenges and promoting cooperation among nations. These organisations have their headquarters in various cities around the world, and it’s essential to know where they are located. In this article, we will provide you with a list of prominent international organisations and their headquarters.

International Organisations with their Headquarters

United Nations Organisation (UNO) — New York The United Nations Organisation is the most prominent international organisation, and its headquarters is located in New York City, USA. United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) — New York UNICEF is a special program of the United Nations that provides assistance to children and mothers in developing countries. Its headquarters is also located in New York City, USA. Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) — New York NAM is a group of states that are not aligned with any major power bloc. Its headquarters is located in New York City, USA. United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) — New York UNFPA is a United Nations agency that focuses on population and development issues. Its headquarters is located in New York City, USA. Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) — Rome FAO is a special agency of the United Nations that focuses on food security and sustainable agriculture. Its headquarters is located in Rome, Italy. Red Cross — Geneva The Red Cross is an international humanitarian organisation that provides emergency assistance and promotes humanitarian law. Its headquarters is located in Geneva, Switzerland. International Labour Organisation (ILO) — Geneva ILO is a special agency of the United Nations that focuses on labour rights and social protection. Its headquarters is located in Geneva, Switzerland. World Health Organisation (WHO) — Geneva WHO is a special agency of the United Nations that focuses on global health issues. Its headquarters is located in Geneva, Switzerland. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) — Geneva UNHCR is a United Nations agency that focuses on refugee protection and assistance. Its headquarters is located in Geneva, Switzerland. World Trade Organisation (WTO) — Geneva WTO is an international organisation that promotes free trade and economic cooperation. Its headquarters is located in Geneva, Switzerland. World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) — Geneva WMO is a special agency of the United Nations that focuses on weather and climate issues. Its headquarters is located in Geneva, Switzerland. World Economic Forum — Geneva The World Economic Forum is an international organisation that promotes public-private cooperation and economic development. Its headquarters is located in Geneva, Switzerland. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) — Geneva UNCTAD is a United Nations agency that focuses on trade and development issues. Its headquarters is located in Geneva, Switzerland. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) — Paris UNESCO is a special agency of the United Nations that focuses on education, science, and culture. Its headquarters is located in Paris, France. United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) — Vienna UNIDO is a United Nations agency that focuses on industrial development and cooperation. Its headquarters is located in Vienna, Austria. Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) — Vienna OPEC is an international organisation of oil-producing countries that coordinates the production and sale of oil. Its headquarters is located in Vienna, Austria. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) — Vienna IAEA is an international organisation that promotes the peaceful use of nuclear energy. Its headquarters is located in Vienna, Austria. European Union (EU) — Brussels The European Union is a political and economic union of European countries. Its headquarters is located in Brussels, Belgium. In conclusion, international organisations play a vital role in addressing global challenges and promoting cooperation among nations. Knowing the headquarters of these organisations is essential for understanding their role and impact on global affairs.



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