2 min readMay 25, 2024


Lt. General Nigar Johar was honored with the 3rd Bint-e-Hawa Achievement Award 2024 in the category of Lifetime Achievement. This prestigious recognition celebrates her remarkable contributions and dedicated service over the years. Lt. General Nigar Johar has had an illustrious career in the Pakistan Army, marked by numerous firsts and trailblazing accomplishments. She is not only the first woman in the history of Pakistan to reach the rank of Lieutenant General in the Army Medical Corps but also serves as a powerful symbol of female empowerment and resilience in a traditionally male-dominated field. Throughout her career, Lt. General Johar has been instrumental in advancing medical services within the military, implementing innovative healthcare solutions, and promoting the well-being of soldiers and their families. Her leadership and vision have led to significant improvements in medical training, patient care, and administrative efficiency in military hospitals across the country. In addition to her professional achievements, Lt. General Johar is a strong advocate for women’s rights and education. She has worked tirelessly to create opportunities for women in the armed forces and other sectors, inspiring countless young women to pursue their ambitions without hesitation. The Bint-e-Hawa Achievement Award, named after the revered figure of Hazrat Hawa (Eve) in Islamic tradition, aims to honor women who have made extraordinary contributions in their respective fields. Receiving this award in the category of Lifetime Achievement underscores Lt. General Johar’s enduring impact and the legacy she continues to build. Lt. General Nigar Johar’s recognition with this award is a testament to her unwavering commitment, exemplary service, and the profound influence she has had on her profession and society at large. Her story is one of breaking barriers and setting new benchmarks, embodying the spirit of perseverance and excellence.




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